Veterinary Control

The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan RI) through the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health (Ditjen PKH) issued Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture (Permentan) No. 11 of 2020 concerning Certification of Veterinary Control Numbers (NKV) for animal product business units which was promulgated on March 20, 2020. This Permentan is a replacement for Permentan No. 381 of 2005 concerning Guidelines for Certification of Veterinary Control for Animal Food Business Units.

Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 11 of 2020 was issued to complement the regulation on certification of Veterinary Control Numbers for animal products in Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture 381 of 2005 which still refers to Law Number 6 of 1967 concerning Animal Husbandry and Animal Health. In its development, there have been changes to Law Number 18 of 2009 and Number 41 of 2014 as well as regulations in Government Regulation Number 95 of 2005 concerning Veterinary Public Health and Animal Welfare. Some of the changes in Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture 11 of 2020 include: signing of the NKV carried out by the Veterinary Authority Officer, adding types of animal product business units, both food and non-food, to 21 types, requirements and appointment of NKV auditors by the Governor, and regulations on sanctions against animal product business units who do not submit NKV applications and who do not meet the requirements.

NKV (Veterinary Control Number) is a certificate as valid written evidence that hygiene-sanitation requirements have been met as basic eligibility for guaranteeing the safety of animal products in animal product business units.


The purpose of NKV certification is: 1) Implementation of legal order and administrative order in the management of animal-derived food product businesses. 2) Ensure that business units have met hygiene-sanitation requirements and implemented good production methods, 3) Facilitate tracing back if there is a case of animal-derived food poisoning.


“The validity period of the NKV in this Permentan is also limited to only 5 years and after that it must be re-certified,” said the Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health of the Ministry of Agriculture, I Ketut Diarmita, at the Head Office of the Directorate General of PKH, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Thursday (6/18). Previously in Permentan 381 the NKV certificate was valid as long as the business unit was still operating.


Business actors who wish to obtain NKV certification submit an application to the Head of the Provincial Service by attaching the required requirements online. If the requirements are declared complete, the Service forwards the application to the Provincial Veterinary Authority Officer (POV) to be followed up by sending an NKV Auditor Team based on the assignment from the Head of the Provincial Service.


Furthermore, if in the audit process any discrepancies are found, then the business actor is given time to make improvements. The next stage, the Veterinary Authority Officer conducts an analysis, based on the results of improvements to the findings and if deemed to meet the requirements, a Veterinary Control Number will be issued which will be submitted to the business actor through the Office. If it turns out that it does not meet the requirements, the results will also be submitted to the business actor by submitting it online and the business unit will be coached by the district/city office for a maximum of 5 years.


Business units that do not apply for NKV certification or business units that still do not meet the requirements after being trained for 5 years will be subject to gradual administrative sanctions in the form of Written Warnings I, II and if they still do not comply, temporary suspension of production activities will be carried out up to the revocation of the business license.


The types of business units that must have an NKV certificate are, slaughterhouses (RPH) consisting of ruminant, pig and poultry RPH, cultivation business units in the form of dairy cattle and laying poultry and business units processing animal-based food products such as milk, meat, eggs and honey. In addition, non-food animal processing business units, distribution business units such as milk containers, meat kiosks, retail, dry warehouses, labeling of consumption eggs, and collection and packaging of consumption eggs are also required to have an NKV certificate. 


To guarantee the safety of Animal-Originated Food (PAH) products circulating in the community, the government has required every business actor who produces and distributes animal products to have a Veterinary Control Number (NKV) certification in order to realize the health and peace of mind of the community in consuming animal-originated food.  NKV is also proof of the government’s participation in providing security and quality assurance for products that will be used and consumed by the public. The NKV certificate is a certificate as valid written evidence that hygiene and sanitation requirements have been met as a guarantee of animal product safety in animal product business units.

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